I never thought I should have to write something like that, but I feel like it’s important to make awareness about coronavirus.
Actually the situation about the coronavirus escalated quickly, and the WHO declared that we are in a pandemic risk.
I came from Italy, and I pray you to not do the same mistake we did, don’t undervalue the situation, make awareness to your parents, friends, family.
In a month this is what happened in Italy (by clicking on the link, you can see with your eyes the global situation in real-time): infected people: 27.980, death: 2.158, healed: 2.749.
Learn from our mistakes, follow the WHO’s rules, avoid the crowd and also unnecessary trips.
As a traveler, I know that you may be tempted by booking that cheap flight, but unless it’s absolutely necessary don’t do it.
A lot of people are undervaluing the problem “because the mortality is at the 4%”, and “it’s only a cold”, no it isn’t just a cold, and young people aren’t immune. If you are young, you may think “I’m strong”, you can still infect a member of your family, and maybe they aren’t as strong as you. A lot of young people here in Italy are in critical care as old people.
We arrived at the point that doctors have to choose between people because there aren’t enough places in critical care for everybody, don’t reach this point, you are still in time to avoid that.
Please be aware, be safe.